As 2020 draws to a close, it's time for another recap of everything related to "Alex Wright Photography" from the year. With everything going on in the world, I haven't had many chances to get out there to take photos this year, but I've been busy continuing to post photos that I took in 2019 during some trips abroad. During the first lockdown back in April, I also took part in the Free For All #TravelWithoutMoving initiative, where I edited a selection of architecture photos from around the world! |
As always, I'll be recapping my most-liked photos of 2020 from my Instagram, but since it's been a slow year, I'll be skipping my usual top ten personal photos from the year. If you want to check out my favourite photos from last year, you can see them in last years recap! |
Apart from my website, I use Instagram (@alexwrightphotos) to display my portfolio, get inspiration and scout out new photography locations. Due to the current situation this year, I've not posted as much and as frequently as I would have liked. However, over the year, I've received over 15,000 likes on Instagram. Here, I'll be counting down the 10 most-liked photos that I posted during 2020! |
To create my Top 10 photos from 2020, I've used data from Instagram's insights. I have excluded photos that I uploaded as part of the #TravelWithoutMoving campaign as I did not take these. |
Starting off at Number 10, we're heading to New York for this simplistic and minimal shot taken inside the Oculus transportation hub in the World Trade Center. This enormous building is formed from two walls of "ribs" which create a 96ft atrium. I love how the scale and symmetrical design of the building are perfectly represented in the above shot. This was easily my most edited photo of the year, with over 10 hours of work going in to remove over 200 shoppers from the scene, as seen in this editing timelapse. |
In at Number 9 is one of my 'classic lookup' photos of buildings, which I started doing in 2017. In this shot is the 432 Park Avenue apartment building, I love how the white facade contrasts with the deep blue windows and dark grey of the service and wind pass-through floors. |
We're heading back to New York for the 8th liked photo from the year. Outside the Oculus, I love how the design of each 'fin' creates this stunning, simplistic pattern which is contrasted against the blue glass. This shot was even featured last year as one of my favourite photos I took in 2019. |
At Number 7, we're heading just down the street from the above photo. We're focusing on another piece of metro station architecture, with the 34m conical domed roof of Fulton St. Station. This shot of the side of the cone became an instant hit with its repetitive pattern and cooling aqua colour. |
For Number 6, we're hopping back to the outside of the Oculus for a nice look-up photo of the facade ribs! The outside of the stunning building features "ribs" that stand up to 160ft tall and, from afar, forms the backbone of a dove in flight. You can see my editing process in this editing timelapse! |
It's not surprising really that this stunning building is featured in so many of my top photos this year! Coming in at Number 5, we're inside the Oculus and looking up to see the whole of the inside structure! Down the centre, you can see the "spine" skylight (forming the backbone of a dove in flight), which is designed to open to allow a beam of light to shine on the floor each year on September 11th in remembrance of those who lost their lives. |
Next up at Number 4 is we're heading to the infamous Flat Iron building in downtown New York! In this image, I love how the sunset causes an incredible contrast between the yellow facade and blue evening sky! |
For the top 3 shots, we're heading over to Iceland. Coming in at Number 3 is the long-exposure of "that-shot" at the Skógafoss waterfall along the south coast of the island. |
Reykjavik is the home of our runner up subject, where we're looking up at the steeple of the spectacular Hallgrímskirkja (Church of Hallgrímur) that was designed to emulate the trap-rocks and glaciers of Iceland! |
And finally, coming in at Number 1 with over 400 likes, we're heading to the scenic town of Vík. Standing atop a hill, the vibrant Víkurkirkja church stands out from the surroundings with its striking red roof that contrasts the bright clouds and surrounding greenery. |
Continuing on with my recent years' trends, here is my "Year of Colour", which displays the most dominant colours in my Instagram photos from the past year! It's no surprise really to see that my palette consists mainly of muted hues and blues, most likely taken from the sky, but it's nice to see the inclusion of some stronger colours coming from the accent colours of images. |
Along with getting out and shooting, my website development has also slowed down this year. My main focuses have been on my blog platform - Stories - which I originally built to showcase my photos and to provide a narrative to explain why I took them, how I edited them and why I love them. Whilst I haven't finished and published all of the posts I wanted to this year (keep an eye out for one being released soon), I am happy to have released STORIES: Iceland 2019 and STORIES: Exploring London: Part 2, both which have highlighted some of my favourite photos from the past couple of years. |
This year I've also been working on the AWP App to make it more user friendly and feature complete. One major goal was to match the desktop experience of my blog posts within the App. Over the course of the year, I have rebuilt the blog platform within the App, enabling you to view the full blog post in all its desktop glory, right from your mobile! Another major task was to include an app-wide dark mode, which was successfully launched in February. If you want to check out the AWP App, you can download it here. |
If you'd like to see more behind the scenes snippets of how I make my website, build my app or for some behind the scenes of my photo editing, follow my Twitter account @MakingAWPhotos. |
So that ends my recap of 2020! I'd like to say a huge thank you to all my followers, new and old, for your continued support over the past year and encouragement of my photography! |
Whilst 2021 is still going to be disrupted, I am looking forward to better times when I can get my camera out and go exploring again. Until then, I still have some photos from the past year to edit, as well as plans to release a blog post from my trip to New York last year, as well as digging through my archives of UK photos! |
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Alexander Wright is a London and Southampton based photographer focusing on architectural and minimalist photography. In his spare time, he enjoys roaming around the streets of London looking for new photo opportunities with his friends. Alexander frequently presents photography lectures and runs workshops at the University of Southampton. |
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Alexander Wright is a London and Southampton based photographer focusing on architectural and minimalist photography. In his spare time, he enjoys roaming around the streets of London looking for new photo opportunities with his friends. Alexander frequently presents photography lectures and runs workshops at the University of Southampton. |
More about Alexander |
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| | | | |  | Exploring London: Part 2 |  | | | Join me as I take a look back through my archives at my favourite photos and trips to London. | | | | | | |
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